Slumber Strategies
Tips to getting a better night’s sleep.
Sleep - a restorative process that strongly affects daily occupations includes memory, behavior and executive functioning to name a few. It is essential for homeostatic balance and it is recommended that adults have 7-9 hours of restorative sleep each night.
Some Suggestions to assure good night’s sleep:
Go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day.
Keep a regular sleep schedule even on weekends. This helps to develop a sleep wake rhythm that encourages better sleep.
Create a comfortable sleep environment
You can try to control a number of elements in your bedroom that will promise good sleep such as
For most people cool is better than hot
Keep your bedroom is dark as possible he might even consider wearing, and eye mask
Less noise means more sleep. You can reduce noise levels with rugs, drapes,ear plugs and background white noise, such as a fan or soothing music.
A good mattress can improve, improve the quality of sleep
Try to use your your bedroom a stress free zone used only for sleep and intimacy.
Avoid alcohol, caffeine and nicotine
Alcohol may help get you to sleep, but it will make your sleep restless and uneasy. Caffeine contained in coffee, tea, cola, energy drinks and chocolate and coffee infused yogurts and ice cream is a stimulant and can cause problems for people trying to fall asleep.
Watch your diet
A heavy meal or spicy food before bedtime can lead to night time discomfort and fluids can require disruptive trips to the bathroom. Products containing L-Tryptophan are known to aid sleep and can be consumed as a light snack and they may also aid in preventing hunger pangs.
Exercise regularly
Regular exercise has been shown to improve sleep exercise in the morning or afternoon. Allow at least three hours before bedtime, so you won’t be too revved up this will help you get a deeper more restful sleep. Gentle yoga or stretching may also be helpful.
Avoid watching the clock
Set the alarm and place the clock out of sight constant checking can’t even cause insomnia.
Create a relaxing bedtime routine
Read a good book, listen to music, practice relaxation techniques, journal, meditation, or take a warm bath (at least 1 hour before bed time).
Get out of bed if you are not sleeping
If you don’t fall asleep, within 15 to 30 minutes get up and Get back into bed only when you feel sleepy.
Control intrusive thoughts
One way to control intrusive thoughts is by journaling them, try brain-dumping them onto the page. Another suggestion is to choose one thing to focus on while you are brushing your teeth. Once in bed only focus on that one thing. Unwanted thoughts will be blocked if they do enter, acknowledge them without judgement and return to your focus thought.
Avoid Television and other screens at least 30 minutes before bed.
The blue light emitted from the screens stimulates receptors in your eyes tricking them to thinking it is time to be awake. It is best practice to remove them from the room all together.
Natural Sleep Aid Options***
Reach out to a licensed healthcare professional before using any herbs or OTC medications for sleep, especially since there is a potential for drug interactions with medications such as blood thinners.
Also, let a doctor know if your sleep issues last longer than 2 weeks.
-Essentials oils*** such as lavender, chamomile, orange, cypress, ylang ylang, marjoram, saddle wood, and vanilla bean, have been known to aid in sleep. Please note not all EOs are of the same quality and while therapeutic grade EO can offer a safe alternative to some medications there may be uncomfortable side effects or allergic reactions. Consult an experienced practitioner if you have any questions.
-Other Natural supplements and sleep aids found to be helpful***
Magnesium, Melatonin, Valerian Root, Passionflower and Glycine.
Keep a Sleep Journal
By tracking a few basic things you may be able to discover something that may be cause for your inability to sleep. If you are unable to discover this on your own please consult a sleep expert to additional suggestions.
If achieving a restful night's sleep remains elusive, it's crucial to consult with your healthcare provider, as there might be an underlying issue that requires attention.
For personalized guidance or to delve deeper into potential factors affecting your sleep, feel free to connect with Nicole at Tinker’N. She's here to assist you on your journey to improved sleep and overall well-being.